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Campus & Event Recruiting Software

Whether it is in-person or virtual recruiting events, we always got your back covered. Streamline your event recruiting operations seamlessly on one single platform.

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Our Customers

Companies around the world are using the Rakuna platform to scale campus & event recruiting.

Intuitive UI for maximum candidate engagement

Focus on Candidate Engagement

Impress your candidates with paperless technology at recruiting events. Let Rakuna's Mobile Recruiting App handle the data collection while your team converse and forge authentic connections, taking full advantage of face-to-face interactions.

Centralize Event Recruiting Process

Leverage Rakuna dashboard to plan, track and promote all recruiting events, review candidates’ data and recruiters’ evaluations, collaborate with hiring managers, and automate communication with candidates pre and post-events.

A Campus & Event platform to centralize your recruiting
Detailed statistics to boost your Campus & Event recruiting

Make Smarter, Data-Driven Decisions on Event Recruiting

Have a complete view of all existing events’ results, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid, to analyze past performance and allocate resources accordingly. Focus on delivering results rather than busy the mind with administrative burdens.

Campus & Event Recruiting Features

Eliminate the need for manual data entry with AI-enabled OCR snapshot technology, which helps to capture and parse all candidates' information instantly.

Manage your stream of candidates with easy-to-use searching and filtering functions in real-time for optimal evaluation.

Whether you recruit from in-person, virtual, or hybrid events, Rakuna's campus & event solution suite has you covered for all types of events.

Strategize with your team and manage your events, documents, staff, and attendees in one centralized space that encourages seamless collaboration.

Prepare your recruiting team for any situation — Capture candidates' data and evaluation anywhere, anytime. Evaluate, and collect data, even without the Internet.

Candidate evaluation forms are totally customizable, allowing you to standardize your staff's interactions and collect additional candidates' data.

Create the ultimate candidate experience and keep your leads engaged by setting up automated post-event touchpoints.

Use our metrics reporting tools to collect valuable candidates' feedback and track your ROI with comprehensive and meaningful visuals.

Have questions about Rakuna’s Campus & Event Recruiting Solutions?

Check out our detailed FAQs below!

Rakuna Event App (Rakuna Recruit)

Rakuna Recruit mobile app is now available on the Apple App Store and Android Play Store. Users can deploy the app on iOS and Android devices.

Rakuna’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which is AI-based and specifically designed for recruiting, automatically parses the following information from paper resumes:

  • Full Name (required)

  • Email (required)

  • School / Institution (if applicable)

  • Major (if applicable)

  • GPA (if applicable)

  • Graduation date (if applicable)

In case of low-quality snapshots, our team of Event Operators will assist the process and notify customers of unidentified candidates via email.

Rakuna’s OCR has constantly been parsing resumes with over 99% accuracy rates, given the snapshots are taken in decent conditions by Mobile App users.

Snapshots are handled in batch, and processing time may vary depending on the quantity, image quality, etc. But the parsing job has always been completed shortly after an event is over. Therefore, when your team returns to your office, all the snapshots should have been processed and ready to view.

Yes. When no Internet is available, you can still capture candidate information and evaluation. The app will store the data locally. Once you have a WiFi/Data connection, you can click the “cloud” symbol in the “My Candidates” screen to sync and upload all data to the cloud.

See detailed instructions at our Knowledge Base.

Yes. You can create customized candidate evaluation forms and specifically assign them to each event.

Rakuna Recruit includes a ‘manual input’ option so you can let candidates enter their names and contact information so that you can reach out for an electronic version of their resumes after the event! Want to process candidates even faster? Use our ‘Kiosk mode.’ Candidates can fill in the most basic information for your team to reach out to post events.

Users can put kiosk mode in a 'lock state.’ Without your authentication, candidates will not be able to access other parts of the Event Recruit App, keeping your data strictly confidential.

Rakuna Event Dashboard

Rakuna Recruiting Dashboard (or Web Dashboard) is an all-in-one place to manage your events and candidate data, bring your candidates through the recruiting pipeline, and invite colleagues to collaborate. From there, you can also view event performance metrics and feedback from candidates to improve the experience for your subsequent events and interviews.

Yes. No matter if it’s a virtual or in-person event, you can create different events on Rakuna, capturing and keeping track of each individual event’s data and performance

There is a public Pre-event Registration Link for each event which can be shared on your website or social media to get your targeted audience to sign up for your events. Within the pre-event registration page itself, share buttons are available to share on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and email.

Yes. The post-event communication email template is customizable. You can edit the “sent-from” email address, “reply-to” email address, and the email body with your company logos, images. Further customization can be provided for our annual contract customers as well.

The post-event surveys are usually sent together with the automated post-event communication emails whenever an event ends or when the emails are scheduled. Read more about post-event surveys here.

Statistically, the candidate response rate to surveys always remains above 80% - that is amazingly high. Because of the automated process, the candidates are sent the anonymous survey immediately after meeting with your company. There is an urge for them to complete the survey ASAP to be recognized by the employers.

Knowledge Snippet – Campus Recruiting Best Practices

Let’s boost our campus recruiting effort by crafting a responsive strategy!

On-campus hiring is the process of finding, attracting, and employing students or fresh graduates for vacancies through different recruiting events and activities held at their schools. Here are a few best practices for a recruiting team to kick off their campus recruitment operation.


Set Your Goals Beforehand

Whether attending an online or offline event, a recruiting team should identify their ultimate goals.

Quick brainstorming questions:
How many hires do you have to make for which departments?
What do you require from your candidates for the positions?
What are you going to do to connect with those students?

Select The Right Partners

Every hiring plan has a budget, and it’s not limitless. Your ROI will eventually tell how effectively you’ve spent your expenditure, and that’s why you won’t wish to waste your money on non-feasible sources.

Be wise in choosing colleges and universities for your recruiting strategies. If there are old partners that no longer bring back promising results, don’t hesitate to find new partnerships. The key here is to try a little harder by looking into schools’ programs and picking those that meet your needs.

When you have a list of schools you want to work with, contact their career centres. They can provide you with the information you need and assist your team in completing preparatory tasks.

Put The Right People At The Booths

First impressions are scientifically proven to be essential, and in campus recruitment, they matter! Therefore, having the right people to welcome prospective candidates and present your company’s image is vital.

To find the most suitable representatives, your team should make a list of qualities and requirements for each specific campaign. These bulletins can vary from event to event. But in general, a good representative is supposed to be knowledgeable, socially intelligent, and passionate.

If you have an employee who used to go to the school you are working with, bring that alumnus to the fair. Alumni tend to be more familiar and reliable with their own experience and personal connection with the school and its students.

Want more helpful info snippets? Check out the links below for insightful recruitment knowledge, tips, and best practices!

Ready to Tackle Event Recruiting With Rakuna?

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