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Recruit 500% Faster With Rakuna



Global companies have been served



Positive candidate response rate



Recruiting hours have been saved annually

Hear More From Our Customers

Success Story
Michael Armstrong with Rakuna
National Grid Story
Jaleen K. Bains
We love the spreadsheet, can email and follow-up with candidates easily. We’ve also received many great and positive responses from the candidates post-events. The Customer Support team has been super responsive and helpful via phone, intercom, and email. I would give them 10/10.
Jasleen K. Bains
Senior Recruiter at Amica
Michael Armstrong
Rakuna really takes into consideration and integrate a lot of improvements that we suggest - it's a good partnership.
Michael Armstrong
Campus Recruiting Team Leader at Southern Company
Nicole Mincin
I love it, I love it so much! With Rakuna, I handled 100+ candidates all on my own at the event and everything still went really smoothly. I can’t imagine not having this app with me at events. I’ll definitely need this app when I go out to recruit.
Nicole Mincin
Recruiter at Applied Materials

How Candidates Feel

  • Uploading my resume through Rakuna was simple and easy.
    Omkar Waingankar
    Omkar Waingankar
    University of California, Berkeley
    I love the way company representative scanned my resume and clearly informed of the positions available.
    Lokendra Chouhan
    Lokendra Chouhan
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • It didn't feel like you guys were trying to just take my resume and have me move along!
    Taylor Knights
    Taylor Knights
    University of Central Florida
    This submission application, Rakuna, is very simple and easy to use.
    Logan Drumm
    Logan Drumm
    Cornell University
  • I thought it was really cool how they took pictures of the resume's.
    Jason Chung
    Jason Chung
    University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    Straight forward and simple process to upload resume!
    Natalie Plackowski
    Natalie Plackowski
    San Diego State University

The Must-Have App
for Modern Recruiters

  • Streamline recruiting operation & speed up recruiting process
  • Boost employer branding & better candidate experience
  • Fine tune your recruiting strategies with unprecedented insights