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Hiring Text Messages for Professional Services

Transform how you recruit professional service candidates and foster solid relationships with a text recruitment experience tailored to the professional services industry.

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Put the Spotlight on Your Candidates

Put the Spotlight on Your Candidates

Professional and business services firms are fighting to remain competitive and hiring top talent. Leverage the robust customization options of text messaging to keep your candidates engaged from the very first touchpoint to the end of the recruitment process.

Lead a Data-Centric Recruiting Process

Give your recruiting team an edge by crafting highly personalized hiring text messages. Leverage Rakuna's comprehensive real-time analytics to start capitalizing on job seekers' data and improve your hiring results.

Lead a Data-Centric Recruiting Process

Empower Your Recruiters With Powerful SMS Features

Sending and tracking bulk SMS campaigns has never been simpler! Tackle large talent pools by keeping track of all interactions for seamless follow-up among your hiring team.

Send personalized 1-1 hiring text messages with Rakuna’s web-based text recruiting platform.

Supercharge your hiring process with automation! Actively engage with candidates through automated mass and targeted messaging campaigns.

Maximize back-and-forth communication with top talents and deliver quick responses to urgent questions for the best candidate experience.

Seamlessly integrated Rakuna Text Recruiting with your existing human resource information systems to efficiently manage data across the board.

Track your text recruitment data and adapt your text campaign accordingly through auto-generated reports to best measure your text recruitment campaigns.

Have Questions About Rakuna’s Text Recruiting Software?

Check out our detailed FAQs below!

Yes, you can do both. Multiple and preferred numbers are supported as long as they are new and unregistered.

Yes. The limit for 1 SMS credit is 160 characters. This includes normal text and emojis.

Yes. At the moment, Rakuna Text Recruiting Software users can insert emojis and attach links under specific texts.

Yes. Different users can be assigned with separate ‘sent from’ numbers in the system.

Yes. You can directly send and instantly receive SMS messages within the Dashboard without using any phone devices. You can choose “Send now” or “Schedule” to send your text later.

No. You can send and receive SMS messages right on Rakuna Dashboard where all candidate profiles are managed.

As far as customization that SMS text messages allow, “sent-from” numbers can be set to display your organization’s name to your recipients.

Rakuna works with all major Applicant Tracking Systems. For example:

  • Workday

  • SAP SuccessFactors

  • Greenhouse

  • iCIMS

  • Lever

Additionally, we can integrate with any ATS as long as it allows data to be securely pushed/pulled via APIs.

Learn more here:

Rakuna Platform is API-driven. That means the product has been built from day 1 to be integrative - users can plug it into other systems.

Yes. Rakuna supports SSO authentication such as Azure Active Directory and Google SSO. Set-up & maintenance costs may be applied and vary depending on the company's requirements and SSO policy.

Knowledge Snippet for Professional Services - Text Messaging Best Practices for Campus Recruiting

As smartphones have become an inseparable part of a student's daily life, here are some helpful tips to make the most of campus recruiting efforts with text messaging.


Effortless Opt-in Steps

Young candidates won't give it a second glance if your application process is too complicated. Your recruitment text messaging program should be super accessible to any audience. An online opt-in link or a printed QR code at career fairs will do the trick.

Don't Forget a Link

A good call to action should always be followed by a shortened URL, starting a path for your candidates by navigating them to your next recruitment step. You can also monitor the click-through rate to improve later message touches. Remember that the website where the link takes your recipient had better be mobile-friendly to dodge any confusion.

Make Your Call-to-Action Transparent

Don't make your recipients waste time figuring out why they received your message. You can straighten your call-to-action out. Try navigating how they respond to your message by using action verbs like "apply," "call," or "visit."

Take Text Quality and Frequency Into Account

One of the common mistakes recruiters commit is sending too many texts in a short period. Remember that there are rules and regulations related to commercial messaging that cover spam and SMS frequency.

Keep your texts brief yet informative. Use bullets to list down only important stuff and avoid being wordy. The more candidates have to scroll down, the less interested they are in your messages.

Want more helpful info snippets? Check out the links below for insightful recruitment knowledge, tips, and best practices!


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